
Reclaim the Life you were Meant to Live

Bioadaptive angioplasty with the DynamX® bioadaptor

  • Minimally invasive alternative to coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
  • Represents significant improvement in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), which includes treatment with heart stents
  • Offers long-term benefits by returning heart vessels closer to their natural state than other PCI implants

DynamX is designed to solve the problem heart stents cannot

You Deserve the Best Treatment Option for Your Heart Disease

Drug-eluting stents are rigid and, after opening clogged arteries, prevent them from moving and functioning normally. That can contribute to your risk of dangerous heart-related issues including the need for repeat procedures and follow-on heart attacks.

Unlike stents, the DynamX bioadaptor is designed with additional features to safely overcome these limitations.

Whether you have had a PCI procedure, in the past or have been told you need one, compare your options
Device Features

Safely and effectively open narrowed vessels

Dynamx Bioadaptor

Drug-eluting stents

Free the artery to allow it to pulsate and respond normally to the heart’s need for increased blood flow

Dynamx Bioadaptor

Drug-eluting stents

Restore natural artery functions including the ability to maintain its opening over time 

Dynamx Bioadaptor

Drug-eluting stents

Offer the potential to reduce adverse events by adapting to the vessel’s natural function

Dynamx Bioadaptor

Drug-eluting stents

Whether you have had a PCI procedure in the past, or have been told you need one, compare your options
Device Features
Dynamx Bioadaptor
Drug-eluting stents

Safely and effectively open narrowed vessels

Free the artery to allow it to pulsate and respond normally to the heart’s need for increased blood flow

Restore natural artery functions including the ability to maintain its opening over time 

Offer the potential to reduce adverse events by adapting to the vessel’s natural function

Find a Hospital

Search by city or country to find a hospital near you that offers bioadaptive angioplasty with DynamX bioadaptor.

How Bioadaptive Angioplasty With DynamX Works

Restore Your Health

Intervene, don’t interfere.

Restoring blood flow is the first step. And, with DynamX you may achieve significant improvement in the size of the vessel opening, also called lumen, without compromising the ability for the vessel to naturally heal.

Return to Balance

Unlock the rush of freedom.

After 6 months, the magic happens. DynamX unlocks itself, releasing the vessel to pulsate more freely and respond to every heartbeat, increasing vital blood flow.

Renew Your Life

Arrive at a more natural state.

Finally, the vessel returns back to its natural physiology, motion and function. It’s free to adapt and maintain optimal vessel size, also called lumen size, while DynamX continues to provide dynamic support.

Is the DynamX Bioadaptor Right for You?

If you have CAD, you’ve been looking for a solution like DynamX. Answer just a few short questions to find out if the bioadaptor could be an option.

Don't Wait. Make the Choice for Your Heart.

When it comes to your heart, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than the most advanced procedure, supported by worldwide research and real-world results. Bioadaptive angioplasty may help you reclaim the life you were meant to live.

Talk to a Doctor

Discuss DynamX bioadaptor with your doctor or find a bioadaptor treating doctor to find out if it could be a good option for you.

Patient Stories

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Patient Name, Age, Country
Patient Name, Age, Country

Additional Resources

PMN 1768 Rev C

Step 1 of 4

Answer a few questions to consider your symptoms

Do you occasionally or often feel a squeezing, pressure, or tightness in your chest?
Do you feel chest pain or shortness of breath after light activity, such as walking or gardening?

PMN 1777 Rev A

Step 1 of 4

Trả lời một số câu hỏi để xem xét các triệu chứng của quý vị

Quý vị có thỉnh thoảng hoặc thường xuyên cảm thấy bị ép, tức hoặc thắt chặt ở ngực không?
Quý vị có cảm thấy đau ngực hoặc khó thở sau hoạt động nhẹ, chẳng hạn như đi bộ hoặc làm vườn không?

PMN 1777 Rev A

Step 1 of 4

Cukup jawab sejumlah pertanyaan untuk mempertimbangkan gejala Anda

Apakah Anda terkadang atau sering mengalami rasa diberat , tertekan, atau sesak pada dada?
Apakah Anda merasakan nyeri dada atau kesulitan bernapas setelah kegiatan ringan seperti berjalan atau berkebun?

PMN 1777 Rev A

Please note that in some countries (including but not limited to Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia and Spain) promotion of medical devices to the general public violates the law. If you are not a medical specialist and access this website from one of these countries, you should leave this webpage as the content of this webpage may be prohibited by law according to the laws of your country of residence. If you ignore this warning, Elixir Medical assumes no liability for any consequences that may arise from accessing this information.

Step 1 of 4

أجب عن بضعة الأسئلة للتحقق من أعراضك

هل تشعر بانقباض أو ضغط أو ضيق في صدرك من حين لآخر أو كثيرًا؟
هل تشعر بألم في الصدر أو ضيق في التنفس بعد القيام بأنشطة خفيفة مثل المشي أو البستنة؟

PMN 1777 Rev A